1953-05-29 | İstanbulun Fethinin 500. Yıldönümü Hatıra Pulları |
"Rumeli Hisari" Fortress |
Soldiers Moving Cannon |
Mehmet II Riding into Sea and Turkish Armada |
Landing of Turkish Army |
Ancient Walls of Topkapı, Constantinople |
Troops Entering Constantinople |
Mosque of Fatih in Istanbul |
Presenting Mace to Patriarch Yenadios |
Map of Constantinople in the 15th Century |
Tomb of Mehmet II in Istanbul |
Miniature of Sultan Mehmet II by Sinan |
Portrait of Mehmet II by G.Bellini |
* LC# - Isfila - İstanbul Filateli ve Kültür Merkezi Türk Pulları Kataloğu Mi# - MICHEL Briefmarken Kataloge Sc# - Scott Postage Stamp Catalog
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