Poznámka: Na této stránce si můžete objednat pouze kompletní série, pokud jsou k dispozici. Kliknutím na název série zobrazíte podrobnosti a obrázky. Budete také moci zkontrolovat jednotlivé hodnoty, obálky prvního dne, kuriozity a varianty. Zvolte, jak se stránky zobrazí:
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2022 | 2023 | 2024 | 2025 | |
2022 |
datum | čísla | jméno série | hodnoty | čistý cen. korun | razítko cen. korun |
04 Feb | mi 984/5 | XXIV Winter Olympic Games – Beijing 2022 | 2 | 97.74 | |
25 Feb | mi 986 | Cultural heritage - Skopje aqueduct | 1 | 29.86 | |
28 Feb | mi 987 | Epidermolysis bullosa | 1 | 24.43 | |
16 Mar | mi 988 | 100 years since the birth of Aco Stefanovski | 1 | 48.87 | |
16 Mar | mi 989 | 100 years since the birth of Ava Gardner | 1 | 97.74 | |
23 Mar | mi 990 | 50 years of chess olympics in Skopje | 1 | 24.43 | |
23 Mar | mi 991 | The 100th anniversary of the birth of Emil Zátopek | 1 | 48.87 | |
14 Apr | mi 992 | 25 years since the death of Dancho Zografski | 1 | 16.97 | |
14 Apr | mi 993 | 200 years since the birth of Louis Pasteur | 1 | 97.74 | |
28 Apr | mi BLOCK43 | 175 years since the birth of Thomas Alva Edison | 1 | 97.74 | |
28 Apr | mi BLOCK44 | Bayram - 2022 | 1 | 16.97 | |
04 May | mi BLOCK45 | 150 years since the birth of Gotse Delchev | 1 | 16.97 | |
05 May | mi 997/8 | Northern Macedonia in the EU | 2 | 97.74 | |
10 May | mi 1000/9 | Europa 2022 - stories and myths | 2 | 195.47 | |
10 May | mi BLOCK46 | Europa 2022 - stories and myths - s/s | 1 | 48.87 | |
18 May | mi 1002 | 150th birth anniversary of Yane Sandanski | 1 | 16.97 | |
23 May | mi 1003 | Small Montmartre Of Bitola | 1 | 16.97 | |
15 Jun | mi 1004 | The 150th anniversary of the birth of Piet Mondrian | 1 | 97.74 | |
18 Aug | mi 1005 | 30 years of the army of the Republic of North Macedonia | 1 | 20.36 | |
14 Sep | mi 1006 | 25th anniversary of the death of Vidoe Podgorec | 1 | 16.97 | |
14 Sep | mi 1007 | 150th Anniversary of Aleksander Stavre Drenova - Asdreni Birth | 1 | 16.97 | |
14 Sep | mi 1008 | 25th anniversary of the death of Alija Isakovic | 1 | 16.97 | |
14 Sep | mi 1009 | 400th anniversary of birth of Moliere | 1 | 97.74 | |
27 Sep | mi 1012 | 50 years of the Albanian Orthography Congress | 1 | 16.97 | |
27 Sep | mi 1011 | The 75th anniversary of the National Opera and Ballet – The 50th anniversary of May Opera Evenings | 1 | 16.97 | |
27 Sep | mi 1010 | The 50th anniversary of the Youth Cultural Center | 1 | 33.94 | |
27 Sep | mi 1013 | The 100th anniversary of the International Union of Railways | 1 | 97.74 | |
12 Oct | mi 1014 | 100th anniversary of Aleksandar Sarievski | 1 | 16.97 | |
12 Oct | mi 1016 | 225 years since the birth of Franz Schubert | 1 | 97.74 | |
12 Oct | mi 1015 | 125 years since the death of Johannes Brahms | 1 | 97.74 | |
02 Nov | mi 1017/20 | Fauna | 4 | 122.85 | |
21 Nov | mi 1021 | FIFA World Cup Qatar 2022 | 1 | 122.85 | |
06 Dec | mi 1022 | Christmas 2022 | 1 | 16.97 | |