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datumčíslajméno sériehodnotyčistý
cen. korun
cen. korun
18 Aprmi 985/9The 12th International Congress of the League for Womens Rights15 7 524.54
datumčíslajméno sériehodnotyčistý
cen. korun
cen. korun
28 Novmi /Aviation Defence Tax Stamps 11
datumčíslajméno sériehodnotyčistý
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cen. korun
20 Augmi 1019/28 The İzmir Int. Fair 10 940.57
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cen. korun
10 Novmi 1063/70 The 1st Anniversary of the Death of Atatürk 8 313.52
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cen. korun
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31 Decmi 1094/97 The 100th Anniversary of the Post 4 94.06
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cen. korun
20 Augmi 1098/03 The İzmir International Fair 6 73.16
datumčíslajméno sériehodnotyčistý
cen. korun
cen. korun
01 Aprmi / Atatürk-İnönü Issue 20 836.06
29 Octmi 1161/66 The 20th Anniversary of the Republic 6 94.06
datumčíslajméno sériehodnotyčistý
cen. korun
cen. korun
22 Aprmi / Turkish Society for the Protection of Children "Children Palace" Stamps 10 836.06
datumčíslajméno sériehodnotyčistý
cen. korun
cen. korun
29 Sepmi / Turkish Red Crescent Association Stamps ("69th Anniversary of the Red Crescent") 8 313.52
28 Octmi / Turkish Red Crescent Association Stamps ("Achievements of the Red Crescent") 8 1 254.09
datumčíslajméno sériehodnotyčistý
cen. korun
cen. korun
23 Julmi 1217/20 The 25th Anniversary of Lausanne Treaty of Peace 4 114.96
12 Novmi / Turkish Society for the Protection of Children Stamps for the Children Year 8 940.57
datumčíslajméno sériehodnotyčistý
cen. korun
cen. korun
01 Octmi 1241/43 İstanbul Exhibition 3 25.08
07 Novmi /Turkish Red Crescent Association Charity Overprinted Stamps 8
datumčíslajméno sériehodnotyčistý
cen. korun
cen. korun
13 Augmi 1249/50 WAY 2nd Council Meeting 2 34.43
21 Decmi 1264/65 The Third Congress of Turkish Cooperative System 2 52.25
datumčíslajméno sériehodnotyčistý
cen. korun
cen. korun
31 Augmi 1290/93 The 11th Interparliamentary Conference 4 37.62
datumčíslajméno sériehodnotyčistý
cen. korun
cen. korun
03 Janmi 1305/08 UN Mediterranean Economic Instrustion Center (F.A.O.) 4 135.86
03 Janmi BLOCK4 Souvenir Sheet for UN Mediterranean Economic Instrustion Center (F.A.O.) 1 1 149.58
15 Marmi 1317/32 Vienna Printing Postage Stamps 16 627.05
20 Augmi 1334/36 The 8th International Congress of Theoretic and Applied Mechanics 3 41.80
datumčíslajméno sériehodnotyčistý
cen. korun
cen. korun
01 Febmi / Vienna Printing Imperforate Postage Stamps 16 1 149.58
29 Maymi 1348/59 Commemorative Stamps for the 500th Anniversary of the Conquest of Constantinople 12 627.05
16 Augmi 1361/66 Tourist Propaganda of Ephesus 6 62.70
02 Sepmi 1367/68 The 5th International Peoples Circuit Congress 2 41.80
10 Novmi 1375/76 The Opening of the Mausoleum of Atatürk 2 20.90
datumčíslajméno sériehodnotyčistý
cen. korun
cen. korun
28 Augmi 1427/28 The 18th International Congress of Military Medecine 2 25.08
05 Sepmi 1432/35 The General Assembly of the International Criminal Police 4 41.80
12 Sepmi 1440/43 The 10th Meeting of the Governors of the International Bank of Reconstruction and Development and the International Monetary Fund 4 33.44
15 Sepmi 1444/47 The 10th International Congress of Byzantine Research 4 73.16
26 Sepmi 1448/50 The 10th International Transportation Congress 3 20.90
10 Decmi 1455/60 Tourist Propaganda of Antalya 6 62.70
datumčíslajméno sériehodnotyčistý
cen. korun
cen. korun
12 Aprmi 1476 The 25th Ann. of the Turkish History Society 1 9.84
23 Aprmi / Turkish Society for the Protection of Children Charity Stamps 11 2 717.20
31 Julmi 1481 The Health Organization of the PTT 1 14.75
01 Octmi /Surcharged Turkish Society for the Protection of Children, 4th World Children Day8 1 149.58
01 Novmi 1487 The 750th Anniversary of Kayseri Medical School and Clinic 1 9.84
31 Decmi 1512/14 Tourist Propaganda of Troia 3 83.61
datumčíslajméno sériehodnotyčistý
cen. korun
cen. korun
29 Sepmi 1526/27 The 11th Congress of the World Medical Association 2 9.84
18 Octmi 1528/29The 400th Anniversary of the Opening of The Mosque of Suleymaniye 2 14.75
11 Novmi 1530 Commemorative Stamp for İstanbul 2nd Philatelic Exhibition 1 9.84
17 Decmi 1536/37The 750th Anniversary of the Birth of Mevlana 2 18.44
datumčíslajméno sériehodnotyčistý
cen. korun
cen. korun
02 Janmi 1539/64Great Country Towns 134 383.60
datumčíslajméno sériehodnotyčistý
cen. korun
cen. korun
30 Marmi 1619/20 The 100th Anniversary of the Turkish Theater 2 9.84
01 Maymi 1623/24 Aspendos (Belkis) Festival 2 9.84
11 Sepmi 1668 The 15th Inter. Conference of Tuberculosis 1 14.75
19 Octmi 1669/71 The 1st International Congress of Turkish Art 3 14.75
04 Decmi 1694/96 The 100th Anniversary of the Faculty of Political Sciences 3 9.84
22 Decmi /Pictorial Postage Stamps 110 271.72
23 Decmi /Pictorial Postage Stamps 2 9 271.72
datumčíslajméno sériehodnotyčistý
cen. korun
cen. korun
17 Aprmi 1731/34 Manisa Mesir Bairam 4 24.59
16 Augmi 1765/66 Independence of the Republic Cyprus 2 9.84
datumčíslajméno sériehodnotyčistý
cen. korun
cen. korun
09 Janmi 1798/00 25th Anniversary of History and Geography Faculty 3 14.75
27 Aprmi 1801/03 9th Conference of the Ministers of the Central Treaty 3 14.75
01 Julmi 1810/13 50th Anniversary of Kandilli Observatory 4 20.90
datumčíslajméno sériehodnotyčistý
cen. korun
cen. korun
17 Junmi 1867/70 600th Anniversary of Conquest of Edirne 4 25.57
27 Augmi 1876/78 Centenary of Turkish Agricultural Bank 3 24.59
07 Sepmi 1879/83İSTANBUL 63 International Stamp Exhibition 5 25.57
01 Octmi / Regular Issue 9 292.62
datumčíslajméno sériehodnotyčistý
cen. korun
cen. korun
01 Junmi 1910/14Tourism 5 26.56
16 Augmi 1915/16 900th Anniversary of Conquest of Kars 2 18.81
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cen. korun
cen. korun
18 Marmi 1941/43 50th Anniversary of the Çanakkale (Dardanelles) Victory 3 24.59
05 Aprmi 1944/48 Tourism 5 26.56
datumčíslajméno sériehodnotyčistý
cen. korun
cen. korun
25 Maymi 1999/03 Tourism 5 26.56
06 Sepmi 2015/17 The 400th Death Anniversary of Sultan Suleiman the Magnificient 3 52.25
18 Octmi 2020/22 33rd Congress Int. Fairs Union Congress 3 23.98
datumčíslajméno sériehodnotyčistý
cen. korun
cen. korun
01 Aprmi 2037 250th Ann. of First Smallpox Vaccination 1 14.75
01 Julmi 2060 750th Anniversary of Sivas Health Center 1 14.75
26 Julmi 2063/64The Visit of Papa Paul VI. To Virgin Marys House Ephesus 2 24.59
datumčíslajméno sériehodnotyčistý
cen. korun
cen. korun
28 Marmi 2115/19 Seri Regular Issue Stamps for Historical Arts 5 67.93
datumčíslajméno sériehodnotyčistý
cen. korun
cen. korun
23 Aprmi 2173/74 50th Anniversary of Turkish Great National Assembly 2 19.67
20 Maymi 2181/82 The New Building of the UPU Center 2 14.75
16 Augmi 2189/91 700th Anniversary of the Death of Haci Bektaş Veli 3 28.77
datumčíslajméno sériehodnotyčistý
cen. korun
cen. korun
01 Junmi 2220/25 Regular Airmail Stamps 6 104.51
21 Julmi 2229/31 Regional Cooperation for development (RCD) Between Turkey,Iran and Pakistan 3 25.57
13 Octmi 2241/43 2500th Anniversary of the Iranian Monarchys Foundation 3 25.08
15 Novmi 2244/45 Paintings (4th Issue) 2 26.56
datumčíslajméno sériehodnotyčistý
cen. korun
cen. korun
15 Maymi 2255/56 Paintings (5th Issue) 2 26.56
datumčíslajméno sériehodnotyčistý
cen. korun
cen. korun
21 Julmi 2286/88 Regional Cooperation for Development (RCD) Between Turkey,Iran and Pakistan 3 25.08
01 Augmi 2290/93 200th Anniversary of Turkish Naval Forces 4 47.03
01 Decmi 2309/10 700th Death Anniversary of Mevlana Jalal2 24.59
datumčíslajméno sériehodnotyčistý
cen. korun
cen. korun
05 Julmi 2395/97 Nasreddin Hodja 3 25.08
datumčíslajméno sériehodnotyčistý
cen. korun
cen. korun
02 Maymi 2443/44 EUROPA CEPT 2 135.86
17 Augmi 2461/62 Turco-Libyan Friendship 2 10.45
22 Novmi 2469/73 Traditional Turkish Houses 5 52.25
datumčíslajméno sériehodnotyčistý
cen. korun
cen. korun
28 Aprmi 2510/12 EUROPA CEPT 3 41.80
datumčíslajméno sériehodnotyčistý
cen. korun
cen. korun
19 Maymi 2551/56 The Birth Centenary of Atatürk 6 33.44
19 Maymi BLOCK19 Souvenir Sheet for the Birth Centenary of Atatürk 1 135.86
datumčíslajméno sériehodnotyčistý
cen. korun
cen. korun
04 Sepmi 2651 The Aga Khan Award for Architecture 1 10.45
datumčíslajméno sériehodnotyčistý
cen. korun
cen. korun
15 Febmi 2663/65UNESCO-International Campaign for İstanbul and Göreme 3 22.38
05 Decmi 2698 The Recognition to the Turkish Woman 1 4.18
datumčíslajméno sériehodnotyčistý
cen. korun
cen. korun
13 Janmi BLOCK24 Souvenir Sheet for the Advertising of İstanbul87 World Postage Stamps Exhibition 1 20.90
25 Sepmi 2726/27 Symposium of National Palaces 2 12.54
14 Decmi 2731 Foundation Centenary of Işık Lisesi 1 6.27
datumčíslajméno sériehodnotyčistý
cen. korun
cen. korun
30 Sepmi 2754 25th Anniversary of the OECD 1 6.27
22 Octmi 2759/60 Paintings (7th Issue) 2 47.03
datumčíslajméno sériehodnotyčistý
cen. korun
cen. korun
18 Marmi 2773 Domicile Year 1 8.36
28 Aprmi 2777/78 EUROPA CEPT (Modern Art in Architecture) 2 209.02
25 Sepmi 2793/94 National Palaces 2 12.54
01 Octmi 2795/98 Sultan Suleiman the Magnificient 4 83.61
datumčíslajméno sériehodnotyčistý
cen. korun
cen. korun
09 Aprmi 2806/07400th Death Anniversary of Mimar Sinan 2 19.18
03 Novmi 2837/38 National Palaces 2 12.54
datumčíslajméno sériehodnotyčistý
cen. korun
cen. korun
26 Aprmi 2884/85 The European Tourism Year 2 12.54
02 Maymi 2886/87 EUROPA CEPT (Post Office Buildings) 2 104.51
datumčíslajméno sériehodnotyčistý
cen. korun
cen. korun
06 Julmi 2988 Economic Cooperation Organization (ECO) Meeting 1 7.32
07 Julmi 2989/92 Traditional Turkish Houses 4 47.03
21 Octmi 3005/07 Turkish Handcrafts 3 25.08
datumčíslajméno sériehodnotyčistý
cen. korun
cen. korun
07 Julmi 3021/24 Traditional Turkish Houses 4 67.93
datumčíslajméno sériehodnotyčistý
cen. korun
cen. korun
07 Julmi 3052/55 Traditional Turkish Houses 4 67.93
01 Sepmi 3057/60İSTANBUL’96 the World Philatelic Exhibition 4 57.54
datumčíslajméno sériehodnotyčistý
cen. korun
cen. korun
03 Junmi 3078 World Environment Day (Habitat II City Summit) 1 14.63
07 Julmi 3081/84 Traditional Turkish Houses 4 67.93
17 Decmi 3101/02 Our Historical, Social and Cultural Possesions 2 12.54
datumčíslajméno sériehodnotyčistý
cen. korun
cen. korun
12 Aprmi BLOCK38/OCK39 Souvenir Sheets for the 700 th Year of the Foundation of Ottoman Empire 2 94.06
24 Decmi 3207/08 Silk Road (Caravansaraies) 2 37.62
datumčíslajméno sériehodnotyčistý
cen. korun
cen. korun
25 Maymi 3218/19 Faith Tourism 2 73.77
23 Augmi 3232/35 Our Cultural Heritage 4 135.25
19 Octmi 3248/50 Turkish Cultural Heritage 3 1 229.50
datumčíslajméno sériehodnotyčistý
cen. korun
cen. korun
15 Octmi 3289/92 The Turkish Culture Heritage 4 147.54
19 Novmi 3293/94 Caravansaraies on Silk Road 2 79.92
datumčíslajméno sériehodnotyčistý
cen. korun
cen. korun
02 Decmi BLOCK50 Souvenir Sheet for Our Cultural Heritage 1 79.92
datumčíslajméno sériehodnotyčistý
cen. korun
cen. korun
20 Novmi 3363 140th Anniversary of Turkish Republic Ziraat Bank 1 49.18
12 Decmi 3364/67 Our Cultural Heritage (Atatürk’s Houses) 4 110.66
datumčíslajméno sériehodnotyčistý
cen. korun
cen. korun
07 Junmi 3382/83 Our Cultural Assets (Silkroad) 2 79.92
15 Octmi / Official Stamps 5 676.23
08 Novmi 3406/09 Atatürk Houses 4 110.66
datumčíslajméno sériehodnotyčistý
cen. korun
cen. korun
01 Janmi Official Stamp 1 61.48
01 Janmi 3414/29 City Towns 16 553.28
03 Julmi 3449 XXII. World Architecture Congress 1 61.48
04 Julmi / Official Postage Stamps 6 590.16
20 Julmi 3454/55 The Clocks 2 61.48
28 Sepmi 3460/75Our Provinces 16 553.28
15 Decmi BLOCK59/OCK58 50 Years of European Stamps Souvenir Sheets 2 73.77
datumčíslajméno sériehodnotyčistý
cen. korun
cen. korun
11 Maymi 3508 İzzet Baysal 1 29.51
11 Sepmi 3532/47 Our Provinces 16 553.28
03 Octmi 3552 The 75th Anniversary of the Central Bank of the Republic of Turkey 1 29.51
datumčíslajméno sériehodnotyčistý
cen. korun
cen. korun
03 Maymi BLOCK61/OCK61AThe 100th Anniversary of Fenerbahçe Sports Club Souvenir Sheets 2 860.65
08 Maymi BLOCK62 800th Anniversary of Mevlanas Birth Souvenir Sheet 1 73.77
05 Junmi BLOCK63 Domestic Farm Animals Souvenir Sheet 1 61.48
10 Julmi 3599/06 Regular Stamps with the Theme of Our Provinces 8 442.62
14 Novmi 3623/26Mimar Sinan and His Works 4 202.87
04 Decmi 3632/39 Regular Stamps with the Theme of Our Provinces 8 442.62
datumčíslajméno sériehodnotyčistý
cen. korun
cen. korun
31 Janmi 3642/43 40th Anniversary of TRT Television 2 36.89
13 Marmi BLOCK66 700th Anniversary of the Medical Centre of Amasya Souvenir Sheet 1 79.92
12 Maymi 3665/66 50th Anniversary of Turkey-Thailand Diplomatic Relations 2 49.18
28 Maymi 3671/78 Definitive Stamps Depicting Our Provinces 8 442.62
29 Augmi 3689/97 Definitive StampsDepicting Our Provinces 9 442.62
15 Octmi 3702/03 Railway Station Buildings 2 49.18
24 Octmi Joint Issue of Stamps Between Turkey and Indonesia Souvenir Sheet 1 191.80
29 Novmi 3716/18 165th Anniversary of Turkish Maritime Organization 3 98.36
datumčíslajméno sériehodnotyčistý
cen. korun
cen. korun
19 Maymi BLOCK69 90th Year of Atatürks Arrival to Samsun and National Congresses Souvenir Sheet 1 61.48
12 Augmi BLOCK71 The 800th Anniversary of the Birth of Hacı Bektaş Veli Souvenir Sheet 1 73.77
09 Octmi 3777 Joint Issue of Stamps between Turkey-Bosnia Herzegovina 1 24.59
05 Novmi 3779/82The Castles 4 122.95
17 Decmi 3785/86 Famous Turks 2 36.89
datumčíslajméno sériehodnotyčistý
cen. korun
cen. korun
23 Aprmi 3815/16 90th Anniversary of the Inauguration of T.B.M.M. 2 51.64
03 Maymi 3822/23 Yunus Emre 2 45.15
02 Sepmi Japan Year 2010 in Turkey Souvenir Sheet 1 171.76
18 Octmi BLOCK73 The Alliance of Civilizations ("Turkey-Spain") Souvenir Sheet 1 83.61
datumčíslajméno sériehodnotyčistý
cen. korun
cen. korun
16 Marmi BLOCK77 90th Anniversary of the Moscow Agreement Souvenir Sheet 1 72.88
25 Junmi 3898 60th Anniversary of Korean War 1 44.26
08 Julmi BLOCK82 650th Anniversary of Kırkpınar Oil Wrestling Souvenir Sheet 1 111.39
12 Julmi BLOCK83The City of Van, Its History and Natural Assets Souvenir Sheet 1 126.52
22 Augmi 3912/13 100th Year of Yıldız Technical University 2 45.05
21 Sepmi 3918 Our Cultural Assets ("Hasankeyf") 1 38.56
29 Novmi 3922/23 The Sultans Boats 2 64.43
datumčíslajméno sériehodnotyčistý
cen. korun
cen. korun
15 Febmi 3929/32 İstanbul 2012 European Capital of Sports 4 196.72
25 Marmi 3940 100th Year of Turkish Hearths Association 1 34.30
06 Aprmi 3941 140th Year of Establishement of Pertevniyal High School 1 27.89
25 Aprmi 3944/45 50th Year of the Constitutional Court 2 68.61
30 Aprmi 3946/53Definitive Postage Stamps with the theme "Tourism" 8 399.59
17 Maymi 3956 60th Anniversary of the Union of Chambers and Commodity Exchanges of Turkey ("TOBB") 1 30.06
29 Maymi 3957/58 150th Year of the Court of Accounts 2 68.61
datumčíslajméno sériehodnotyčistý
cen. korun
cen. korun
21 Marmi BLOCK97 2013 UNESCO Intangible Cultural Heritage and Turkish World Culture Center: Eskişehir Souvenir Sheet 1 73.77
12 Aprmi 4019/24 Regular Postage Stamps with the Theme of Tourism 6 167.21
23 Maymi BLOCK101 Euroasia Social Business Forum 2013 Souvenir Sheet 1 64.43
24 Maymi BLOCK102 240th Anniversary of İstanbul Technical University Souvenir Sheet 1 89.96
29 Maymi 4037/38130th Establishement Year of Beypazarı Municipality 2 49.18
27 Julmi 4049/50 Regular Postage Stamps with the Theme of EXPO 2016 Antalya 2 83.73
02 Sepmi 4059/60 145th Anniversary of the Council of State 2 36.39
10 Octmi BLOCK107 135th Anniversary of Diplomatic Relations between Turkey and Romania Souvenir Sheet 1 72.98
22 Octmi BLOCK108PTT Stamp Museum of Collections that Witness History Souvenir Sheet 1 442.62
29 Octmi BLOCK110AMarmaray was once a Dream, Now its a Reality! Souvenir Sheet 1 55.33
29 Octmi BLOCK110BMarmaray was once a Dream, Now its a Reality! Souvenir Sheet 1 278.85
12 Decmi BLOCK111Turkey-Palestine Joint Stamp Souvenir Sheet 1 77.09
datumčíslajméno sériehodnotyčistý
cen. korun
cen. korun
06 Janmi BLOCK11250th Year of Cyprus Turk Post Souvenir Sheet 1 1 106.55
20 Febmi 4093/94 50th Anniversary of TRT 2 57.84
27 Febmi BLOCK113Palaces (Topkapı Palace) Souvenir Sheet 1 54.10
27 Febmi BLOCK114 100th Anniversary of Martyrdom of the first Naval Air Pilot Lieutenant (Engineer) Mehmet Fethi Bey Souvenir Sheet 1 98.66
22 Maymi 4109/16Continous Postage Stamps with the Theme of Tourism 8 368.85
09 Julmi BLOCK118Natural Reserve Areas and National Parks Souvenir Sheet 1 63.93
15 Augmi BLOCK119 Our Local Dishes (Southeastern Anatolia Region) Souvenir Sheet 1 124.43
10 Sepmi 4132/33Ottoman Gallеons 2 60.10
29 Octmi BLOCK12091 st Year of the Republic of Turkey Souvenir Sheet 1 51.64
29 Octmi BLOCK121/OCK12391 st Year of the Republic of Turkey Souvenir Sheets 3 447.54
10 Decmi 4147 Continous Postage Stamp with the Theme of Tourism 1 53.70
datumčíslajméno sériehodnotyčistý
cen. korun
cen. korun
18 Febmi BLOCK128 Turkey-lran Joint Stamp Souvenir Sheet 1 42.91
27 Febmi BLOCK129 Palaces (Dolmabahçe Palace) Souvenir Sheet 1 40.57
10 Marmi / Official Postage Stamps (Our Museums) 3 169.08
20 Marmi 4159/63Tourism Theme Definitive Stamps 5 202.87
06 Aprmi 4166 100th Anniversary of Court of Military Appeals 1 28.99
23 Aprmi 4169/70 95th Anniversary of the Grand National Assembly of Turkey 2 64.38
21 Maymi BLOCK134 Our Works in UNESCOs World Heritage List (Istanbul) Souvenir Sheet 1 115.57
06 Augmi 4194/98 Handcrafts Themed (Goblen) Definitive Postage Stamps 5 295.74
23 Octmi 4210/13 175th Anniversary of PTT 4 148.03
23 Octmi BLOCK139175th Anniversary of PTT Souvenir Sheet 1 344.26
11 Decmi BLOCK141Imperial Arsenal Souvenir Sheet 1 103.00
14 Decmi / Miniature Themed Official Postage Stamps 4 300.19
datumčíslajméno sériehodnotyčistý
cen. korun
cen. korun
22 Febmi 4234/39 PTT Buildings Themed Definitive Postage Stamps 6 130.57
26 Febmi BLOCK142 Palaces Themed Souvenir Sheet 1 20.66
09 Marmi 4242/43Historical Bridges 2 73.77
22 Marmi BLOCK143/OCK144 Historical Bazaars Themed Souvenir Sheets 2 61.97
23 Aprmi BLOCK146Expo 2016 Antalya Souvenir Sheet 1 491.80
10 Julmi 42712016 UNESCO World Heritage Committee 40th Sessione - İstanbul, Turkey 2016 1 23.61
10 Julmi BLOCK150UNESCO World Heritage Committee 40th Sessione - İstanbul, Turkey 2016 Themed Souvenir Sheet 1 319.67
12 Julmi BLOCK151 Natural Conservation Areas and National Parks Themed Souvenir Sheet 1 23.61
26 Julmi 4274/75 850th Anniversary of Hodja Ahmed Yesevi’s Death 2 35.41
27 Julmi 4276/81Tourism Theme Definitive Stamps 6 370.08
04 Augmi 4282/85 The Tourism Capital of Islamic World Konya 4 59.02
08 Augmi BLOCK152 Our Local Dishes (Eastern Anatolia Region) Souvenir Sheet 1 59.02
20 Sepmi 4296 26th Universal Postal Congress 1 23.61
20 Sepmi BLOCK15626th Universal Postal Congress Souvenir Sheet 1 491.80
05 Decmi 4316 Definitive Stamps on the Theme Regarding Recognition of Right to Vote and Standing for Election to Turkish Woman 1 22.38
datumčíslajméno sériehodnotyčistý
cen. korun
cen. korun
12 Febmi 4318/20 EYOF 2017 Erzurum European Youth Olympic Winter Festival 3 50.90
12 Febmi 4321-4329EYOF 2017 Erzurum European Youth Olympic Winter Festival Souvenir Sheet 1 553.28
04 Aprmi BLOCK161 Historical Bazaars Themed Souvenir Sheet 1 66.39
04 Aprmi 4330/33 Antalya Theme Definitive Stamps 4 109.18
09 Maymi 4338/39 Europa 2017 (Castles) 2 39.10
15 Junmi BLOCK164 Ankapark Themed Souvenir Sheet 1 23.61
20 Julmi 4345 22nd World Petroleum Congress (WPC) 2017 1 11.80
31 Julmi 4352/552017 Turkish Language Year Themed Continuous Postal Stamps 4 159.34
09 Octmi BLOCK169World Post Day Themed Souvenir Sheet 1 276.64
30 Octmi BLOCK171 Turkey-Azerbaijan Joint Stamp 1 27.29
datumčíslajméno sériehodnotyčistý
cen. korun
cen. korun
21 Febmi BLOCK17445th Anniversary of Diplomatic Relations with Qatar1 44.26
06 Marmi 4409150th Anniversary of the Court of Appeals1 14.75
12 Marmi 4410100 years since restoration of Erzurum1 14.75
30 Marmi BLOCK175Historic Bazaars : Safranbolu1 30.98
05 Aprmi 4421Historic Clock Towers1 26.68
09 Maymi 4428UPU Forum of Postal Administration CEOs, Istanbul1 29.51
05 Junmi BLOCK178Renewable Energy - s/s1 29.51
10 Junmi 4438Chamlodge Mosque, Istanbul1 24.59
09 Julmi 4443/44Traditional Houses2 44.26
10 Augmi 4450Friendship with Bosnia and Herzegovina1 31.97
26 Novmi 4461/62Kastamonu 2018 Capital of Culture2 44.26
26 Novmi BLOCK185Kastamonu 2018 Capital of Culture s/s1 344.26
26 Decmi 4464/66The houses of Kemal Ataturk3 276.64
26 Decmi D383/86Turkish National Struggle Museum, Kayseri4 55.33
datumčíslajméno sériehodnotyčistý
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cen. korun
23 Marmi 4485World Meteorology Day 20191 14.75
02 Aprmi 4486Historic Clock Towers (III)1 14.75
18 Maymi 4498Centenary of the War of Independence booklet24 245.90
19 Maymi BLOCK187Centenary of the War of Independence s/s I1 14.75
24 Maymi 4522/24Touristic Views 20193 163.77
24 Junmi BLOCK190Turkey-Mongolia Relations 50th Anniversary1 29.51
27 Junmi BLOCK191Year of Turkish Culture in Japan1 29.51
06 Sepmi BLOCK192Nature reserves and national parks I1 14.75
23 Octmi D401/02 Tourism2 79.67
25 Octmi 4545/49Cities5 148.40
23 Decmi 4551/56Cities II6 150.07
datumčíslajméno sériehodnotyčistý
cen. korun
cen. korun
23 Aprmi 4564Centenary of the Turkish Grand National Assembly1 22.13
23 Aprmi /Centenary of the Turkish Grand National Assembly3 110.66
09 Maymi 4566Europa 2020 - Ancient Postal Routes1 27.05
12 Maymi 4567/72Cities - Patara6 138.69
13 Julmi BLOCK203Traditional gastronomy 20201 56.56
03 Novmi BLOCK206Republic of Turkey - Russian Federation1 63.93
24 Novmi 4598/99Istanbul 20202 51.64
21 Decmi BLOCK207Turkey - Kyrgyzstan1 31.97
datumčíslajméno sériehodnotyčistý
cen. korun
cen. korun
19 Febmi /Bird houses2 83.61
12 Marmi 100 years since the adoption of the anthem1 14.75
06 Octmi /12th transport and communications forum4 78.69
datumčíslajméno sériehodnotyčistý
cen. korun
cen. korun
24 Febmi /Reflections2 36.89
24 Marmi /Cities6 363.93
datumčíslajméno sériehodnotyčistý
cen. korun
cen. korun
03 Julmi /Mosques2 34.43
06 Octmi BLOCK221100 years since the liberation of Istanbul1 22.62
13 Octmi BLOCK222100 years of capital Ankara1 22.62
29 Octmi BLOCK223Centenary of the Republic of Turkey1 22.62


4512 poštovní známky     












