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Hints and tips


Working with philatelicmarket.com you need to pay attention to several rules.

1. You can search by name of the set, by name of the stamp, by Local catalog number, by Michel number and Scott number. For this purpose before pressing the button seek you should select in what criteria will be demand.
2. Search by set name works only on the language which use to display pages If you selected Bulgarian and search for a name in English to find the stamp needed you must switch to that language. Language does not affect number searching.
3. Search results by name of a series in Bulgarian automatically specify the stamps with Bulgarian catalog numbers. In English result is Michel numbers. If you search a stamp it will be shown with the three catalogues numbers. Personal set page always shows three catalogue numbers
4. If you search a stamp with index the letter must be in Latin, if you use Cyrillic stamp will be not find. For blocks on Michel you must write before the numbers block without space. In the database were introduced only Michel blocks numbers and ignored the additional numbers that Michel gives for the stamps in the block. A that reason, it is possible you can not find a certain Michel number.

Costs and payment

In Bulgarian language all prices are in BGN In English the prices are prekalkulirat in euros at rate 1.95 leva for euro.

We accept payments with MasterCard, Maestro, Visa, Visa Electron branding cards. The payments are processed via 3D secure programs - MasterCard SecureCode and Verified by VISA, which provide the highest security level of payment into card not present environment (internet).
If your card is enrolled for using 3D secure verification, you could be requested during the payment to verify yourself at your card issuing bank by your SecureCode or VbV password.

If you forget to pay on completion of your order, it can be made on tracking page. Button for payment by card is active on all outstanding orders.

We accept PayPal payments. You can also use companies like Western Union, Money gram, etc., but it is necessary to send us the number of transfer after you re done. If you make internatianal bank transfer you have to pay all commissions.


All items are send by registered mail by Bulgarian Posts after the request has been paid. After completion of the application you see the number of order by which you could verify the status, traffic and contents. Confirmation of order number is sent via e-mail.

The delivery price is 1.00 euro if you order stamps of domestic country.For example bulgarian stamp in Bulgaria. If you order abroad delivery will coast 5.00 euro whatever ordered stamps quantity. Term of delivery is 30 days.


983 post stamps     





