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2019 | 2020 | 2021 | 2022 | 2023 | 2024 |
datumčíslajméno sériehodnotyčistý
cen. korun
cen. korun
05 Janmi 175th birth anniversary of Hristo Botev1 21.07
26 Janmi Sofia Subway1 50.56
07 Febmi Chinese New Year - Year of the Black Water Rabbit1 55.62
07 Febmi /Chinese New Year - Year of the Black Water Rabbit ( 2 s/s)2 264.14
15 Febmi Birth Bicentenary of Dobri Chintulov1 21.07
15 Febmi 150th Birth Anniv of Boris Drangov1 21.07
15 Febmi 125th Birth Anniv of Asen Razcvetnikov1 21.07
16 Febmi 125 years since the first news of BTA1 21.07
17 Febmi 150th Anniv of Execution of Vasil Levski (revolutionary)1 12.64
10 Marmi 80th anniversary of saving Bulgarian Jews1 55.62
27 Marmi 110 years since the Balkan Wars1 32.02
28 Marmi Birth Bicentenary of Nayden Gerov1 21.07
07 Aprmi Fossil fauna from the Miocene on the Bulgarian lands s/s1 194.25
07 Aprmi Fossil fauna from the Miocene on the Bulgarian lands - 4 mini sheet4 747.13
07 Aprmi Fossil fauna from the Miocene on the Bulgarian lands - mini sheet of 2 sets1 298.85
07 Aprmi 110 years Military Academy Georgi Stoykov Rakovski1 12.64
21 Aprmi /Bulgarian culture and art4 67.42
11 Maymi 550th birth anniversary of Nicolaus Copernicus1 45.51
18 Maymi 100 years of the Bulgarian Olympic Committee1 55.62
18 Maymi 120 years of Burgas port1 12.64
26 Maymi /Europe 2023 - Peace the greatest value of humanity2 66.58
26 Maymi Europe 2023 - Peace the greatest value of humanity, s/s1 66.58
26 Maymi Europe 2023 - Peace the greatest value of humanity - booklet1 209.00
12 Junmi 70 years since the founding of the University of Food Technology - Plovdiv1 12.64
13 Junmi 100th birth anniversary of Genko Genkov1 55.62
16 Junmi /XX international exhibition "Beekeeping - Pleven 2023"2 244.77
16 Junmi Pleven fila 2023 "Night butterflies"2 85.96
05 Sepmi 120 years of diplomatic relations between the Republic of Bulgaria and the USA1 42.14
12 Sepmi 30 years since the establishment of PostEurop1 12.64
12 Sepmi BALKANFILA XIX Belgrade - Serbia Night butterflies1 136.52
25 Sepmi 75 years since the beginning of artillery education in Bulgaria1 12.64
13 Octmi Centenary of of veterinary medical education in Bulgaria1 32.02
20 Octmi /Bulgarian folk revivalists2 33.71
20 Octmi 125th birth anniversary of Dimitar Talev1 21.07
21 Octmi /Wildlife conservation - Cinereous vulture2 253.57
07 Novmi 50 years National History Museum1 12.64
08 Novmi 125 years since the birth of Hristo Smirnenski1 12.64
29 Novmi Pomorie Salt Flats1 55.62
01 Decmi 140 years since the establishment of the Hydrographic Office of the Naval Forces1 55.62
01 Decmi /Fauna - Critically endangered birds in Bulgaria4 115.45
01 Decmi Christmas 20231 12.64
02 Decmi /130 years of organized philatelic movement in Bulgaria2 246.53
11 Decmi Birth Centenary of Lyuben Zidarov1 15.17
12 Decmi 125 years since the birth of arch. Zachary Iliev1 32.02
22 Decmi /Wild Flowers2 37.92
22 Decmi Birth Bicentenary of Stanislav Dospevsky1 15.17
28 Decmi Transport – vechiciles used by the Red Cross1 115.45


6204 poštovní známky     
















