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1969 | 1970 | 1971 | 1972 | 1973 | 1974 | 1975 | 1976 | 1977 | 1978 |
datumčíslajméno sériehodnotyčistý
cen. korun
cen. korun
30 Janmi 2654/55World Cup Football Championship, Argentina2 13.48
30 Janmi BLOCK74World Cup Football Championship, Argentina S/s1 16.85
09 Febmi 2652/53Air. “The Danube – European River”2 10.11
01 Marmi 265920th Anniv of Organization of Socialist Postal Administrations (O.S.S.)1 2.53
03 Marmi BLOCK75Centenary of Liberation from Turkey (2nd issue) S/s1 10.11
15 Marmi 2658Centenary of Bulgarian Red Cross1 5.06
18 Marmi 265730th Anniv of Bulgarian–Soviet Friendship1 1.69
28 Marmi 2660/65Famous Personalities6 16.85
05 Aprmi 2667Nikolai Roerich Exhibition, Sofia1 3.37
18 Aprmi 2674Communist Party National Conference, Sofia1 1.69
26 Aprmi 2668/73“Philaserdica 79” International Stamp Exhibition (1st issue). Ancient Ceramics6 21.91
29 Aprmi 2657Birth Cent of Andrei Nikolov (sculptor)1 5.06
12 Maymi 2685World Hypertension Month1 5.06
19 Maymi 2684Georgi Georgiev's World Voyage1 6.74
31 Maymi 267611th World Youth and Students' Festival, Havana1 2.53
01 Junmi BLOCK76Surchgarge: “Argentina 78”1 101.13
19 Junmi 2677/83Paintings7 58.99
27 Junmi 2686/91Flowers6 25.28
13 Julmi 270063rd Esperanto Congress, Varna1 3.37
01 Augmi 271175th Death Anniv of Goce Delcev (Macedonian revolutionary)1 2.53
01 Augmi 271275th Anniv of Ilinden-Preobrazhenie Rising1 1.69
17 Augmi BLOCK77World Masters of Art. S/s imperf1 20.23
28 Augmi 2694/99“Philaserdica 79” International Stamp Exhibition (2nd issue). Paintings of Sofia6 25.28
28 Augmi BLOCK78“Philaserdica 79” International Stamp Exhibition (2nd issue). Paintings of Sofia S/s1 33.71
01 Sepmi 2701/06Woodpeckers6 50.56
01 Sepmi BLOCK79“Praga 78” and “Philaserdica 79” International Stamp Exhibitions S/s1 26.97
01 Sepmi 2713Plovdiv International Fair1 1.69
05 Sepmi 271455th Anniv of September Uprising1 1.69
18 Sepmi 2728150th Birth Anniv of Khristo Danov (first Bulgarian publisher)1 1.69
20 Sepmi 272960th Anniv of Vladaya Mutiny1 1.69
03 Octmi 2715International Anti-apartheid Year1 2.53
03 Octmi 2716Inauguration of Orenburg–U.S.S.R. Natural Gas Pipeline1 2.53
04 Octmi 27173rd World Sports Acrobatics Championships, Sofia.1 2.53
11 Octmi 271870th Birth Anniv of Salvador Allende (Chilean politician)1 2.53
18 Octmi 271930th Anniv of Declaration of Human Rights1 5.06
25 Octmi 2720/24History of Bulgaria. Paintings5 8.43
01 Novmi 2725/26European Architectural Heritage2
14 Novmi 2727Opening of the Varna–Ilichovsk Ferry Service1 3.37
20 Novmi 2730“Bulgaria 78” National Stamp Exhibition, Sofia1 1.69
08 Decmi 274090th Anniv of Sofia University1 1.69
12 Decmi 2742Birth Bicentenary of Nikola Karastoyanov (first Bulgarian printer)1 3.37
15 Decmi 2731/33Centenary of Cyril and Methodius People's Library3 6.74
15 Decmi BLOCK82Centenary of Cyril and Methodius People's Library S/s1 16.85
22 Decmi 274150th Anniv of Bulgarian Ballet1 3.37
22 Decmi 2743/44New Year2 8.40
30 Decmi 2735/39“Philaserdica 79” International Stamp Exhibition (3rd issue) and Bulgarian Stamp Centenary (1st issue)5 21.91
30 Decmi BLOCK83A“Philaserdica 79” International Stamp Exhibition (3rd issue) and Bulgarian Stamp Centenary (1st issue) S/s perf1 20.23
30 Decmi BLOCK83B“Philaserdica 79” International Stamp Exhibition (3rd issue) and Bulgarian Stamp Centenary (1st issue) S/s imperf1 84.27


6204 poštovní známky     
















